Quaternary (2.58 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Gélasien - Holozän
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Quaternary is the last geochronologic period of the Cenozoic, starting with the Gelasian age (at the transition from the Neogene period) and still going on into the Present. It is subdivided in two epochs (Pleistocene and Holocene). The base of the Quaternary is set at the Gauss/Matuyama palaeomagnetic reversal and the period is characterised by successive glacials in a context of increased global ice volume. In Switzerland one can assume that all of the (peri)glacial deposits belong to the Quaternary.
Holocene (11.7 ka)
- Name Origin
holos = fully, entirely , kaïno = recent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Holocene is the most recent geochronologic epoch of the Quaternary, referring to the warm episod that began with the end of the last glacial period.
- Age
- Holozän
Meghalayan (4.2 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last chronostratigraphic stage of the Holocene.
- Age
- Holozän
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Current climatic/palynological stage of the European Quaternary (approximate age range: from 2800-2450 calBP = 850-500 BC to present).
- Age
- Holozän
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage of the European Quaternary (approximate age range: 5500-2800 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
Northgrippian (8.2 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Middle chronostratigraphic stage of the Holocene.
- Age
- Holozän
- Name Origin
- Warm and moist climatic phase originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage depicting a climatic optimum in Europe, and characterised by the presence of oak, elm, linden and iva (approximate range: 9000-5500 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
Greenlandian (11.7 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Periode
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
First chronostratigraphic stage of the Holocene.
- Age
- Holozän
- Name Origin
- Cold climatic phase originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage of the European Quaternary (approximate age range: 10200-9000 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
- Name Origin
- Transitional climatic phase originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage of the European Quaternary, at the base of the Holocene (approximate age range: 11650-10200 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
Pleistocene (2.58 Ma)
- Name Origin
pleistos = le plus , kaïno = récent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Pleistocene is the first geochronologic epoch of the Quaternary, starting with the Gelasian age (at the transition from the Pliocene epoch) and ending with an unnamed age at the transition to the Holocene epoch. It is subdivided in three subepochs (Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene).
- Age
- Gélasien
Late Pleistocene (129 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Late Pleistocene is the last geochronologic subepoch of the Pleistocene, comprising only one (unnamed) age. Its base was set at the start of the Eem Interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e).
Correlatively, the Late Pleistocene corresponds in Switzerland to the last interglacial–glacial cycle (Gondiswil Interglacial and Birrfeld Glacial).
Younger Dryas
- Name Origin
Named after the cold-climate wildflower Dryas octopetala Linnaeus.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Cold floral stage at the end of the Late Pleistocene (12900-11500 BP = 11000-9500 av. J.C.).
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Allerød (Denmark).
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Warmer climatic oscillation of the late glacial Pleistocene (11800-11000 BP = 11400-10730 av. J.C.), identified on the basis of pollen analysis.
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
Older Dryas
- Name Origin
Named after the cold-climate wildflower Dryas octopetala Linnaeus.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- (12000-11800 BP = 11590-11400 av. J.C.)
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
- série de tourbes découvertes au lac Bølling, dans le Jutland central
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Floral stage (13000-12000 BP = 11720-11590 av. J.C.).
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
Oldest Dryas
- Name Origin
Named after the cold-climate wildflower Dryas octopetala Linnaeus.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Ab ca. 18'000-15'000 BP, je nach Autor.
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Eem in the area of the city of Amersfoort (Netherlands).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Riss-Würm interglacial (Alps), Ipswichian (United Kingdom), Mikulin interglacial (Russia), Valdivia interglacial (Chile), Sangamonian (North America)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Initial palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Late Pleistocene («Tarantian») of NW Europe, roughly corresponding to MIS-5e and to the Riss-Würm Interglacial.
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
Middle Pleistocene (774 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Middle Pleistocene is the middle geochronologic subepoch of the Pleistocene, comprising only the Chibanian age. Its base was set at the boundary between the Matuyama and Brunhes magnetostratigraphic epochs.
In Switzerland the age of the Hochterrasse deposits roughly coincides with the Middle Pleistocene.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
New stage name for the Middle Pleistocene.
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Saale (Deutschland).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Terminal substage of the Middle Pleistocene of NW Europe, between Holsteinian and Eemian, characterised by cold climate (culminating in the Alpine region with the Riss glaciation).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the Holstein region (N Germany).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Hoxnian (United Kingdom), Likhvinian (Russia)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Middle Pleistocene (Ionian) of NW Europe, corresponding to MIS-11 and to the Mindel-Riss Interglacial.
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Weisse Elster (E Germany), a tributary of the river Saale.
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Anglian (United Kingdom), Okian (Russia)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Substage of the Middle Pleistocene of NW Europe, corresponding to MIS-12 and characterised by a cold climate (culminating in the Alpine region with the Mindel glaciation).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the East Anglian town of Cromer (UK).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Initial palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Middle Pleistocene («Ionian») of NW Europe, encompassing several glacial/interglacial cycles under a relatively mild climate (Günz-Mindel Interglacial).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
Early Pleistocene (2.58 Ma)
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Early Pleistocene is the first geochronologic subepoch of the Pleistocene, starting with the Gelasian age (at the transition from the Piacenzian age) and ending with the Calabrian age (at the transition to the Chibanian age). It is characterised by a predominantly reversed polarised paleomagnetic field (Matuyama) and the onset of large glacial fluctuations.
- Age
- Gélasien
Calabrian (1.80 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Calabria region (Italy).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Second substage of the Early Pleistocene.
- Age
- Frühes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after Sicilia (Italia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Regional substage (= late Calabrian, Early Pleistocene) in Italy.
- Age
- Calabrien
- Name Origin
Named after the Emilia region (Italia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Regional substage (= middle Calabrian, Early Pleistocene) in Italy.
- Age
- Calabrien
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Regional substage (= early Calabrian, Early Pleistocene) in Italy.
- Age
- Calabrien
Gelasian (2.58 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Gela (Italia), Sicilia.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Frühes Pleistozän
Neogene (23.03 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
neos = new , genos = birth
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Aquitanien - Plaisancien (Piacenzien)
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Neogene (formal name for the «late Tertiary») is the middle geochronologic period of the Cenozoic, starting with the Aquitanian age (at the transition from the Paleogene period) and ending with the Piacenzian age (at the transition to the Quaternary period). It is subdivided in two epochs (Miocene and Pliocene).
Pliocene (5.333 Ma)
- Name Origin
plios = plus , kaïno = récent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Pliocene is the last geochronologic epoch of the Neogene, starting with the Zanclean age (at the transition from the Miocene epoch) and ending with the Piacenzian age (at the transition to the Pleistocene epoch).
- Age
- Zancléen
Piacenzian (3.600 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Piacenzia (Italia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- spätes Pliozän
Zanclean (5.333 Ma)
- Name Origin
Derived from Zancla, the pre-Roman name for the town of Messina in Sicily (Italy).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Pliocene.
- Age
- Pliozän
Miocene (23.03 Ma)
- Name Origin
meios = less, kaïno = recent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Miocene is the first geochronologic epoch of the Neogene, starting with the Aquitanian age (at the transition from the Oligocene epoch) and ending with the Messinian age (at the transition to the Pliocene epoch).
- Age
- Aquitanien
Messinian (7.246 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Messina (Italia), Sicilia.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Miocene.
- Age
- spätes Miozän
Tortonian (11.63 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the city of Tortona (Italia), Piemonte.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Stage of the Late Miocene.
- Age
- spätes Miozän
Serravallian (13.82 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Serravalle Scrivia (Italia), Piemonte.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Stage of the Middle Miocene.
- Age
- mittleres Miozän
Langhian (15.97 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Langhe area north of Ceva (Italy).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>le Langhe (plural)</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Stage of the Middle Miocene.
- Age
- mittleres Miozän
Burdigalian (20.44 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Bordeaux = Burdigala (Gironde, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Latin: Burdigalia</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second stage of the Miocene.
- Age
- frühes Miozän
Aquitanian (23.03 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Aquitaine region (France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Miocene Series, and hence base of the Neogene System.
- Age
- frühes Miozän
Palaeogene (66.0 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
palaeos = ancient , genos = birth
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Danien - Chattien
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Paleogene (formal name for the «early Tertiary») is the first geochronologic period of the Cenozoic, starting with the Danian age (at the transition from the Cretaceous period) and ending with the Chattian age (at the transition to the Neogene period). It is subdivided in three epochs (Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene).
Oligocene (33.9 Ma)
- Name Origin
oligos = peu , kaïno = récent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Oligocene is the last geochronologic epoch of the Paleogene, starting with the Rupelian age (at the transition from the Eocene epoch) and ending with the Chattian age (at the transition to the Miocene epoch).
- Age
- Rupélien
Chattian (27.82 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Chatti tribe (Deutschland).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Oligozän
Rupelian (33.9 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Rupel river (Belgium).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Oligocene. Its definition was originally based on the Rupel Group.
- Age
- frühes Oligozän
Eocene (56.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
eos = aurore, début , kaïno = récent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Eocene is the middle geochronologic epoch of the Paleogene, starting with the Ypresian age (at the transition from the Paleocene epoch) and ending with the Priabonian age (at the transition to the Oligocene epoch). It is subdivided in four ages (Ypresian, Lutetian, Bartonian and Priabonian).
- Age
- Yprésien
Priabonian (37.71 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Priabona (Italia), Vicenza.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Parastratotypes à Ghenderle, Brendola, Mossano et Possagno (Cita 1969) ; calcaires marneux à Echinides de Priabona (Boussac 1909a)</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Eocene. Definition originally based on the «assises de la Granella», «groupe des couches à Orbitoides de Priabona» and «marnes de Brendola».
- Age
- spätes Eozän
Bartonian (~41 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Barton-on-Sea (Hampshire, UK).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second stage of the Middle Eocene. Its definition was originally based both on the Barton Beds (Hampshire) and the Sables d'Auvers-Beauchamp (Paris Basin).
- Age
- mittleres Eozän
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Marines (Val-d'Oise, France)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second substage of the Bartonian in the Paris Basin. Original definition based on the «Sables de Marines». It corresponds to the Late Bartonian of the International Time Scale.
- Age
- Bartonien
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Auvers-sur-Oise (Val d'Oise, France) ; le stratotype des sablières du Bois-le-Roi est en cours d'aménagement.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Gültiger Begriff
- Bartonian
- Kurzbeschreibung
First substage of the Bartonian in the Paris Basin. It corresponds to the Early Bartonian of the International Time Scale.
- Age
- frühes Bartonien
Lutetian (47.8 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Paris = Lutetia (France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second stage of the Eocene.
- Age
- mittleres Eozän
Ypresian (56.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Ypres = Ieper(Belgium).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Eocene.
- Age
- frühes Eozän
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Cuise-la-Motte (Oise, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last, informal substage of the Ypresian.
- Age
- spätes Yprésien
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Épernay = Sparnacum (Marne, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Early Ypresian of the Paris Basin.
- Age
- frühes Eozän
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Global thermal maximum marked by a strong negative anomaly in δ13C values at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary.
Paleocene (66.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
palaeos = ancient , eos = dawn, kaïno = recent (i.e. Palaeo-Eocene, see Pulvertaft 1999)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Paleocene is the first geochronologic epoch of the Paleogene, starting with the Danian age (at the transition from the Late Cretaceous epoch) and ending with the Thanttian age (at the transition to the Eocene epoch). It is subdivided in three ages (Danian, Selandian and Thanetian).
- Age
- Danien
Thanetian (59.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Isle of Thanet (Kent, UK).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Paleocene.
- Age
- spätes Paläozän
Selandian (61.6 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Zealand island (Denmark).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- mittleres Paläozän
Danian (66.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Latin name for Denmark.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Paleocene (and hence of the Cenozoic as well).
- Age
- frühes Paläozän
Cretaceous (~ 145 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
Named derived from the characteristic chalk deposits (Latin: creta = craie, Kreide) of the Paris-London Basin.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Berriasien - Maastrichtien
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Cretaceous is the last geochronologic period of the Mesozoic, starting with the Berriasian age (at the transition from the Jurassic period) and ending with the Maastrichtian age (at the transition to the Paleogene period). It is officially subdivided in two epochs (Early and Late Cretaceous).
Late Cretaceous (100.5 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Late Cretaceous is the last geochronologic subepoch of the Cretaceous, starting with the Cenomanian age (at the transition from the Early Cretaceous subepoch) and ending with the Maastrichtian age (at the transition to the Plaeocene subepoch). It is subdivided in six ages (Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, Santonian, Campanian and Maastrichtian).
- Age
- Cénomanien
Maastrichtian (72.1 +/-0.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Maastricht (Netherlands).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Cretaceous (and hence of the Mesozoic as well).
- Age
- Maastrichtien
Campanian (83.6 +/-0.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Champagne de Saintonge (Charentes, France), near Cognac.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Campanien
Santonian (86.3 +/-0.5 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the former province of Saintonge (Charentes, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Santonien
Coniacian (89.8 +/-0.3 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Cognac (Charente-Maritime, France), where the historical stratotype lies.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Initially defined as the basal stage of the «Craie supérieure» (chalk ; cf. Cretaceous).
- Age
- Coniacien
Turonian (93.9 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after Turonia, the Latine name for Tours (France), Indre-et-Loire.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Turonien
Bonarelli level (OAE-2)
- Name Origin
Named after the Italian geologist Guido Bonarelli (1871-1951).
- Rang
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
Oceanic anoxic event at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (around 93 Ma ago) with a major impact on the chemistry of the oceans worldwide. This event correlates with a marine extinction event.
- Age
- Spätes Cénomanien
Cenomanian (100.5 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named atfer Cenomanum, the Latine name for Le Mans (France), Sarthe.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Late Cretaceous.
- Age
- Cénomanien
Early Cretaceous (~ 145 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Early Cretaceous is the first geochronologic subepoch of the Cretaceous, starting with the Berriasian age (at the transition from the Late Jurassic subepoch) and ending with the Albian age (at the transition to the Late Cretaceous subepoch). It is subdivided in six ages (Berriasian, Valanginian, Hauterivian, Barremian, Aptian and Albian).
- Age
- Berriasien
Albian (~ 113.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Aube region (France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Latin: Alba</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Early Cretaceous.
- Age
- Albien
- Name Origin
La Vraconnaz = La Vraconne (VD), Saint-Croix
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- obsoleter Begriff (nicht mehr verwendet)
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Vraconnin (Mayer-Eymar 1885) = Albien moyen à tardif >< Rhotomagin = Vraconnien !</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Local chronostratigraphic subdivision corresponding to the late Albian (and earliest Cenomanian).
- Age
- Spätestes Albien
Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1d)
Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1c)
- Rang
- Chemostratigraphie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Oceanic anoxic event of the Late Albian.
- Age
- Mittleres Albien
Paquier Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1b)
- Rang
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
Oceanic anoxic event of the Early Albian.
- Age
- Spätestes Aptien
Aptian (~ 121.4 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Apt (Vaucluse, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Stage of the Early Cretaceous.
- Age
- Aptien
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Clansayes (Drôme, France).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Local chronostratigraphic substage corresponding to the Late Aptian.
- Age
- Spätes Aptien
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Gargas (Vaucluse, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Local chronostratigraphic subdivision corresponding to the latest Early Aptian and to the Middle Aptian.
- Age
- Frühes Aptien
- Name Origin
Named after the village of La Bédoule (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), near Cassis.
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Gültiger Begriff
- Aptian
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Local chronostratigraphic subdivision designating the Early Aptian. The Bedoulian, based on pelagic deposits (Marno-calcaires de la Bedoule), is approximately equivalent to the Rhodanian, which is based on littoral deposits.
- Age
- Frühes Aptien
Selli level (OAE 1a)
- Name Origin
Named after the Italian geologist Raimondo Selli (1916-1983).
- Rang
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
Oceanic anoxic event at the base of the Aptian (around 120 Ma ago) with a major impact on the chemistry of the oceans worldwide.
- Age
- Frühes Aptien
Barremian (~ 129.4 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Barrême (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
... based on the Marno-calcaires de Barrême.
- Age
- Barrémien
Hauterivian (~ 132.6 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Hauterive (NE), NE Neuchâtel.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Hauterivien
Valanginian (~ 139.8 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Valangin (NE), at the upper end of the Gorges du Seyon (see also inventory of Swiss geotopes n°245).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Valendis = ancien nom allemand de Valangin</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second stage of the Early Cretaceous.
- Age
- Valanginien
Berriasian (~ 145 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Berrias (Ardèche, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>The Berriasella jacobi Zone was previously placed at the end of the Tithonian.</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Cretaceous.
- Age
- Berriasien
Jurassic (201.4 +/-0.2 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
Named after the Jura Mountains (France, Switzerland).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Hettangien - Tithonien
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Jurassic is the middle geochronologic period of the Mesozoic, starting with the Hettangian age (at the transition from the Triassic period) and ending with the Tithonian age (at the transition to the Cretaceous period). It is subdivided in three epochs (Early, Middle and Late Jurassic).
Late Jurassic (163.5 +/-1.0 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Late Jurassic is the last geochronologic subepoch of the Jurassic, starting with the Oxfordian age (at the transition from the Middle Jurassic subepoch) and ending with the Tithonian age (at the transition to the Early Cretaceous subepoch). It is subdivided in three ages (Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian and Tithonian).
- Age
- Oxfordien
Tithonian (152.1 +/-0.9 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named derived from the Greek mythology: Tithon was the son of Laomedon of Troy, who fell in love with Eos, Greek goddess of the dawn (thus prefiguring the Cretaceous system).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>The Berriasella jacobi Zone, previously placed at the end of the Tithonian, is now considered as defining the start of the Berriasian.</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Jurassic.
- Age
- Tithonien
Kimmeridgian (157.3 +/-1.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Kimmeridge on the Dorset coast (UK). The Kimmeridge Clay Formation is the main oil source rock in the North Sea petroleum province.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Kimméridgien
Oxfordian (163.5 +/-1.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the city of Oxford (UK).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Late Jurassic.
- Age
- Oxfordien
Middle Jurassic (174.1 +/-1.0 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Middle Jurassic is the middle geochronologic subepoch of the Jurassic, starting with the Aalenian age (at the transition from the Early Jurassic subepoch) and ending with the Callovian age (at the transition to the Late Jurassic subepoch). It is subdivided in four ages (Aalenian, Bajocian, Bathonian and Callovian).
- Age
- Aalénien
Callovian (166.1 +/-1.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named derived from the old spelling of Kellaways Bridge (UK), Wiltshire, 2 miles NE Chippenham.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last stage of the Middle Jurassic.
- Age
- Callovien
Bathonian (168.3 +/-1.3 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Bath (Somerset, UK), near Bristol. The city itself is largely built of Bath Stone, a bright white oolithic limestone that is quarried nearby.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Third stage of the Middle Jurassic.
- Age
- Bathonien
Bajocian (170.3 +/-1.4 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Bayeux (Calvados, France) in Normandy.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Latin: Bajocium</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second stage of the Middle Jurassic.
- Age
- Bajocien
Gaetani Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Name Origin
Named in recognition of Maurizio Gaetani's work on Jurassic sedimentary successions of the Lombardy Basin.
- Rang
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Black shale interval locally developped at the transition betwenn the Rosso Ammonitico Lombardo and the Radiolarite Group.
- Age
- frühes Bajocien
Aalenian (174.1 +/-1.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Aalen (Germany), Baden-Württemberg
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Middle Jurassic.
- Age
- Aalénien
Early Jurassic (201.3 +/-0.2 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Early Jurassic is the first geochronologic subepoch of the Jurassic, starting with the Hettangian age (at the transition from the Late Triassic subepoch) and ending with the Toarcian age (at the transition to the Middle Jurassic subepoch). It is subdivided in four ages (Hettangian, Sinemurian, Pliensbachian and Toarcian).
- Age
- Hettangien
Toarcian (184.2 +/-0.3 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Thouars (Deux-Sèvres, France), south of Saumur. The protected stratotype lies in an old quarry. Its GSSP is located at Peniche (Portugal).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Latin: Toarcium</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Toarcian is the youngest geochronologic age of the Early Jurassic. Its base, at the transition from the Pliensbachian, is placed at the first appearance of the ammonite genus Eodactylites and the base of the Aalenian (first appearance of the ammonite genus Leioceras) defines its end.
The Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary is marked by a major faunal turnover and regional stratigraphic gaps, followed by a global Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) recorded as black shales (such as the well-known «Posidonienschiefer» of Southern Germany, equivalent to the French «schistes-carton»).
- Age
- Toarcien
Late Toarcian
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- spätes Toarcien
Middle Toarcian
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- The Middle Toarcian is defined biostratigraphically by the ammonite genera Hildoceras and Haugia.
- Age
- mittleres Toarcien
Early Toarcian
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Early Toarcian is characterized almost worldwide by black shales (among which the well-known «Posidonienschiefer» of Southern Germany, and the French «schistes-carton») with an ammonite fauna composed mainly of dactylioceratids, harpoceratids and early hildoceratids.
- Age
- frühes Toarcien
Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Rang
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Major oceanic anoxic event of the Early Toarcian (around 183 Ma ago), documented by black shale deposits found on all major continents (no oceanic drilling cores have recovered black shales of this age as there is little or no Toarcian ocean crust remaining in the world ocean). This event correlates with a marine extinction event.
Pliensbachian (190.8 +/-1.0 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Pliensbach (Baden-Württemberg, S Germany), 30 km E Stuttgart.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Pliensbachien
- Name Origin
Named after Monte Domaro (Italia), Val Trompia / Lombardia.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Informal substage corresponding to the late Pliensbachian.
- Age
- spätes Pliensbachien (= Domérien)
- Name Origin
Named after Charmouth (Dorset, UK).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Latin: Carixium
- Kurzbeschreibung
- First, informal substage of the Pliensbachian.
- Age
- frühes Pliensbachien (= Carixien)
Sinemurian (199.3 +/-0.3 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Sémur-en-Auxois (Côte-d'Or, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Latin: Sinemurium</p>
- Age
- Sinémurien
- Name Origin
Named after the Lorraine region (Lotharingium = carolingian province), NE France.
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- obsoleter Begriff (nicht mehr verwendet)
- Kurzbeschreibung
Former chronostratigraphic subdivision corresponding to the Late Sinemurian substage.
- Age
- spätes Sinémurien
Hettangian (201.3 +/-0.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Hettange (Moselle, N France), just south of the border with Luxembourg,
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Jurassic.
- Age
- Hettangien
Triassic (251.902 +/- 0.024 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
Name derived from the classical three-fold subdivision in the germanic facies realm.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Triassic is the first geochronologic period of the Mesozoic, starting with the Induan age (at the transition from the Permian period) and ending with the Rhaetian age (at the transition to the Jurassic period). It is subdivided in three epochs (Early, Middle and Late Triassic).
Tectonically it is a rather quiet period inbetween the Variscan and Alpine orogenic cycles. The first deposits are transgressive on a vast peneplain.
- Nomenklatorische Bemerkungen
die Trias (DE), le Trias (FR)
Late Triassic (~ 237 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Late Triassic is the last geochronologic subepoch of the Triassic, starting with the Carnian age (at the transition from the Middle Triassic subepoch) and ending with the Rhaetian age (at the transition to the Early Jurassic subepoch). It is subdivided in three ages (Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian).
- Age
- Carnien
Rhaetian (~ 208.5 Ma)
- Name Origin
Rhaetian Alps (Switzerland, Austria and Italy)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Rhät
Norian (~ 227 Ma)
- Name Origin
Noric Alps / Noricum (Latin): ancient Roman province south of the Danube River in present-day Austria.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Norien
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
Local substage corresponding to the Late Norian (Late Triassic).
- Age
- Norien
- Name Origin
Named after the Hallaun people in Hollein (Tyrol, Austria).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
Local substage corresponding to the Middle Norian (Late Triassic).
- Age
- Norien
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
Local substage corresponding to the Early Norian (Late Triassic).
- Age
- Norien
Carnian (~ 237 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named atfer the Carnic Alps zwischen Austria and Italy (East Tyrol, Carinthia, Friuli and Veneto).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Carnien
Middle Triassic (247.2 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Middle Triassic is the middle geochronologic subepoch of the Triassic, starting with the Anisian age (at the transition from the Early Triassic subepoch) and ending with the Ladinian age (at the transition to the Late Triassic subepoch). It is officially subdivided in two ages (Anisian and Ladinian).
- Age
- Anisien
Ladinian (~ 242 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Ladini people of the Dolomites, N Italy.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Ladinien
- Name Origin
Name derived fromthe term Longobardi, designating the territories controlled by the Lombards in Italy.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last, informal substage of the Ladinian.
- Age
- Spätes Ladinien
- Name Origin
Named after the Val di Fassa (Italia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- First, informal substage of the Ladinian. Originally based on the Buchenstein Beds, it corresponds to a major transgressive interval.
- Age
- Frühes Ladinien
Anisian (247.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Enns (= Anisus) River at Grossreifling (Austrian Alps).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Virglorien supérieur</p>
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Middle Triassic.
- Age
- Anisien
- Name Origin
Named after the antique region Illyria (western part of the Balkan Peninsula).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last substage of the Anisian (Middle Triassic).
- Age
- Spätes Anisien
- Name Origin
Named after Lake Pelso = Lake Balaton (Transdanubian region, Hungary.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Third substage of the Anisian.
- Age
- Anisien
- Name Origin
Named after the Roman province Bithynia (NW Turkey).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Second substage of the Anisian (Middle Triassic).
- Age
- Anisien
- Name Origin
Named after the Aegean Sea (Greece).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Ägäissches Meer = mer Égée
- Kurzbeschreibung
- First substage of the Anisian (Middle Triassic).
- Age
- Frühes Anisien
Early Triassic (251.902 +/-0.024 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Early Triassic is the first geochronologic subepoch of the Triassic, starting with the Induan age (at the transition from the Lopingian subepoch) and ending with the Olenekian age (at the transition to the Middle Triassic subepoch). It is officially subdivided in two ages (Induan and Olenekian).
- Age
- Induen
Olenekian (251.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Olenek = Olenyok River, N Siberian Russia
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
In Europe the Olenekian is the time when the deposition of a large part of the Buntsandstein occured .
- Age
- Olénékien
- Name Origin
Leonard Frank Spath (1882-1957), British geologist and paleontologist.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Name Origin
- James Perrin Smith (1864-1931), US geologist and paleontologist.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
Induan (251.902 +/-0.024 Ma)
- Name Origin
Indus River in the Salt Range of Pakistan.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Induen
- Name Origin
Karl Diener (1862-1928), Austrian geologist, paleontologist and alpinist.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Name Origin
- Griesbach
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
Permian (298.90 +/-0.15 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
Named after the former Perm Governorate (Russia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Permian is the last geochronologic period of the Paleozoic, starting with the Asselian age (at the transition from the Carboniferous period) and ending with the Changhsingian age (at the transition to the Triassic period). It is subdivided in three epochs (Cisuralian, Guadalupian and Lopingian).
Lopingian (259.51 +/-0.21 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Leping = Loping (Jiangxi Province, China).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Wuchiapingien
Guadalupian (273.01 +/-0.14 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Guadalupe Mountains (Texas, USA).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Roadien
Capitanian (264.28 +/-0.16 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Capitan Reef in the Guadalupe Mountains (Texas, USA).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Capitanien
Wordian (266.9 +/-0.4 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Word Formation (Word Ranch, Glass Mountains) of the North American Permian Basin.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Wordien
Roadian (273.01 +/-0.14 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Road Canyon Member of the Word Formation (Texas, USA).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Roadien
Cisuralian (298.9 +/-0.15 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Cisural Mountains (western, European part of the Ural Mountains).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Assélien
Kungurian (283.5 +/-0.6 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Kungur (Russia), near Perm.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Kungurien
Artinskian (290.1 +/-0.26 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Artinsk = Arti (Russia), S Perm.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Stage of the Early Permian.
- Age
- Artinskien
Sakmarian (293.52 +/-0.17 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Sakmara River (Russia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Sakmarien
Asselian (298.9 +/-0.15 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Assel River, southern Ural Mountains (Kazakhstan / Bashkortostan).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
First stage of the Cisuralian and hence base of the Permian.
- Age
- Assélien
Carboniferous (358.9 +/-0.4 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Carboniferous is the penultimate geochronologic period of the Paleozoic, starting with the Tournaisian age (at the transition from the Devonian period) and ending with the Gzhelian age (at the transition to the Permian period). It is subdivided in two epochs (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian).
Pennsylvanian (323.2 +/-0.4 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Pennsylvania state (USA).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Late Carboniferous epoch.
- Age
- Bashkirien
Late Pennsylvanian (307.0 +/-0.1 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Epoche
- Status
- gültig
Gzhelian (303.7 +/-0.1 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the village of Gzhel = Gjel (Russia), 50 km SE Moscow.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
Kasimovian (307.0 +/-0.1 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Kasimov (Russia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
Middle Pennsylvanian (315.2 +/-0.2 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Epoche
- Status
- gültig
Early Pennsylvanian (323.2 +/-0.4 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Epoche
- Status
- gültig
Mississippian (358.9 +/-0.4 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
Devonian (419.2 +/-3.2 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Devonian is a geochronologic period of the Paleozoic, starting with the Lochkovian age (at the transition from the Silurian period) and ending with the Famennian age (at the transition to the Pernian period). It is subdivided in three epochs (Early, Middle and Late Devonian).
Late Devonien (382.7 +/-1.6 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Age
- Frasnien
Famennian (372.2 +/-1.6 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Devon
Frasnian (382.7 +/-1.6 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Frasne (France), near Tournay.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Devon
Middle Devonian (393.3 +/-1.2 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültig
Givetian (387.7 +/-0.8 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Givet (Ardennes, France).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Second stage of the Middle Devonian, originally defined based on the Givet Limestone.
- Age
- Mittleres Devon
Eifelian (393.3 +/-1.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Eifel region (Prusse rhénane)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Mittleres Devon
Early Devonian (419.2 +/-3.2 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Age
- Lochkovien
Emsian (407.6 +/-2.6 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Frühes Devon
Pragian (410.8 +/-2.8 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Frühes Devon
Lochkovian (419.2 +/-3.2 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Lochkhow (Bohemia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Frühes Devon
Silurian (443.8 +/-1.5 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Silurian is a geochronologic period of the Paleozoic, starting with the Rhuddanian age (at the transition from the Ordovician period) and ending with the Pridoli Epoch (at the transition to the Devonian period). It is subdivided in four epochs (Llandovery, Wenlock, Ludlow and Pridoli).
Pridoli (423.0 +/-2.3 Ma)
Ludlow (427.4 +/-0.5 Ma)
Wenlock (433.4 +/-0.8 Ma)
Llandovery (443.8 +/-1.5 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Silur
- Name Origin
Cemcoed-Aeron Farm near Llandovery, Powys (Wales, UK)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Second stage of the Llandovery Series (Early Silurian).
- Age
- Silur
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Silur
Ordovician (485.4 +/-1.9 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Ordovician is the second geochronologic period of the Paleozoic, starting with the Tremadocian age (at the transition from the Cambrian period) and ending with the Hirnantian age (at the transition to the Silurian period). It is subdivided in three epochs (Early, Middle and Late Ordovician).
Late Ordovician
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Ordovizium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Ordovizium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Ordovizium
Middle Ordovician
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
Early Ordovician
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
Cambrian (538.8 +/-0.2 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
Derived from the Latinised form of the Welsh name Cymru (Wales).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Kambrium
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Cambrian is the first geochronologic period of the Paleozoic, starting with the Fortunian age (at the transition from the Proterozoic eon) and ending with an unnamed age of the Furongian epoch (at the transition to the Ordovician period). It is subdivided in four epochs (Terreneuvian, "Series 2", Miaolingian and Furongian).
- Nomenklatorische Bemerkungen
From the Old Welsh combrog = compatriot.
According to Geoffrey of Monmouth in the first part of his pseudohistory Historia Regum Britanniae, the Trojan Brutus had three sons among whom (having subdued Gogmagog) he divided his lands after landing in Britain. His elder son, Locrinus, received the land between the rivers Humber and Severn, which he called Loegria (a Latinization of the Welsh name Lloegr, "England"). His second son, Albanactus, got the lands beyond the Humber, which took from him the name of Albany (Yr Alban in Welsh: Scotland). The younger son, Camber, was bequeathed everything beyond the Severn, which was called after him "Cambria".
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Kambrium
[Stage 10]
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- unbekannter Status
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last stage of the Cambrian (late Furongian).
- Age
- Spätes Kambrium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Kambrium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Spätes Kambrium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- unbekannter Status
- Age
- Kambrium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Kambrium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Kambrium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- unbekannter Status
- Age
- Kambrium
[Series 2]
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- unbekannter Status
- Age
- Kambrium
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültig
- Age
- Frühes Kambrium
Proterozoic (2500 Ma)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphischer Äon / geochronologisches Eonothem
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Proterozoikum
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Proterozoic is the last geochronologic eon of the Precambrian, starting with the Siderian period (at the transition from the Archean eon) and ending with the Ediacaran period (at the transition to the Phanerozoic eon). It is subdivided in three eras (Paleo-, Meso- and Neoproterozoic).
... banded iron stones (2800-1800 Ma), tillites (2600-2100, 850 and 600 Ma) ...
Neoproterozoic (1000 Ma)
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last era of the Proterozoic.
- Age
- Proterozoikum
Ediacaran (~ 635 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Ediacara Hills (South Australia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last period of the Neoproterozoic (ca. 635-541 Ma), with a peculiar soft-bodied fauna.
- Age
- Neoproterozoic (= Late Proterozoic)
Cryogenian (~ 720 Ma)
- Name Origin
From krýos and génesis (Greek), meaning "cold" resp. "birth".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Middle period of the Neoproterozoic, characterised by cold climatic conditions («Snowball Earth» ; Sturtian and Marinoan glaciations). Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Neoproterozoic (= Late Proterozoic)
Tonian (1000 Ma)
- Name Origin
From tóno (Greek), meaning "stretch".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- First period of the Neoproterozoic. Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Neoproterozoic (= Late Proterozoic)
Mesoproterozoic (1600 Ma)
Stenian (1200 Ma)
- Name Origin
From stenós (Greek), meaning "narrow".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last period of the Mesoproterozoic, during which the supercontinent Rodinia assembled. Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Mesoproterozoic (= Middle Proterozoic)
Ectasian (1400 Ma)
- Name Origin
From éktasis (Greek), meaning "extension".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Second period of the Mesoproterozoic. Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Mesoproterozoic (= Middle Proterozoic)
Calymmian (1600 Ma)
- Name Origin
From kálymma (Greek), meaning "cover".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
First period of the Mesoproterozoic. Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Mesoproterozoic (= Middle Proterozoic)
Paleoproterozoic (2500 Ma)
Statherian (1800 Ma)
- Name Origin
From statherós (Greek), meaning "stable, firm".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Last period of the Paleoproterozoic. Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Paleoproterozoic (= Early Proterozoic)
Orosirian (2050 Ma)
- Name Origin
From oroseirá (Greek), meaning "mountain range".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
Third period of the Paleoproterozoic. Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Paleoproterozoic (= Early Proterozoic)
Rhyacian (2300 Ma)
- Name Origin
From rhýax (Greek), meaning "stream of lava".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Second period of the Paleoproterozoic : Bushveld Igneous Complex, Huronian (Makganyene) global glaciation. Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Paleoproterozoic (= Early Proterozoic)
Siderian (2500 Ma)
- Name Origin
From sídēros (Greek), meaning "iron".
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- First period of the Paleoproterozoic, characterised by a peak in the deposition of banded iron formations (BIFs). Its base has been defined chronometrically.
- Age
- Paleoproterozoic (= Early Proterozoic)
Archean (4031 +/-3 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
archeo (Latin): old (see also Grand Canyon, Colorado).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphischer Äon / geochronologisches Eonothem
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Archaikum
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Archean is the middle geochronologic eon of the Precambrian (between the Hadean and the Proterozoic). It is subdivided in four eras (Eo-, Paleo-, Meso- and Neoarchean).
... composed of granulites, green belts, non-metamorphic sedimentary rocks (argilites, arkoses, sandstones, rarely carbonates and evaporites), as well as first banded iron-stones.
Hadean (4567 Ma)
- Herkunft des Namens
Named after Hades, the Greek god of the underworld.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphischer Äon / geochronologisches Eonothem
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Alter
- Hadean
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Hadean is the first geochronologic eon of the Precambrian (before the Archean) and goes back to the origin of the Earth 4.56 billion years ago.