Quaternary (2.58 Ma)
Zurück zu ZeitskalaDarstellung und Status
- Farbe CMYK
- 0 / 0 / 50 / 0
- Farbe RGB
- R: 249 G: 249 B: 127
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Periode / geochronologisches System
- Gebrauch
- Element ist in Gebrauch
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Diskussion des Status
- Deutsch
- Quartär
- Français
- Quaternaire
- Italiano
- Quaternario
- English
- Quaternary (2.58 Ma)
- Historische Varianten
Quaternaire (de Serres 1832), Quartaer, Eiszeitalter (Schlüchter & Kelly 2000), Zeitalter des Menschen
Hierarchie und Abfolge
- Untergeordnete Einheiten
- Alter Top
- Holozän
- Alter Basis
- Gélasien
- Datierungsmethode
The base of the Early Pleistocene (and base of the Quaternary) is defined at the Gauss-Matuyama paleomagnetic reversal, around 2.58 Ma, which also roughly corresponds to the onset of MIS-103.
Holocene (11.7 ka)
- Name Origin
holos = fully, entirely , kaïno = recent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Holocene is the most recent geochronologic epoch of the Quaternary, referring to the warm episod that began with the end of the last glacial period.
- Age
- Holozän
Meghalayan (4.2 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Last chronostratigraphic stage of the Holocene.
- Age
- Holozän
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Current climatic/palynological stage of the European Quaternary (approximate age range: from 2800-2450 calBP = 850-500 BC to present).
- Age
- Holozän
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage of the European Quaternary (approximate age range: 5500-2800 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
Northgrippian (8.2 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
Middle chronostratigraphic stage of the Holocene.
- Age
- Holozän
- Name Origin
- Warm and moist climatic phase originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage depicting a climatic optimum in Europe, and characterised by the presence of oak, elm, linden and iva (approximate range: 9000-5500 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
Greenlandian (11.7 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Periode
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
First chronostratigraphic stage of the Holocene.
- Age
- Holozän
- Name Origin
- Cold climatic phase originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage of the European Quaternary (approximate age range: 10200-9000 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
- Name Origin
- Transitional climatic phase originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynological stage of the European Quaternary, at the base of the Holocene (approximate age range: 11650-10200 calBP).
- Age
- Holozän
Pleistocene (2.58 Ma)
- Name Origin
pleistos = le plus , kaïno = récent
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Epoche / geochronologische Serie
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Pleistocene is the first geochronologic epoch of the Quaternary, starting with the Gelasian age (at the transition from the Pliocene epoch) and ending with an unnamed age at the transition to the Holocene epoch. It is subdivided in three subepochs (Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene).
- Age
- Gélasien
Late Pleistocene (129 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Late Pleistocene is the last geochronologic subepoch of the Pleistocene, comprising only one (unnamed) age. Its base was set at the start of the Eem Interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e).
Correlatively, the Late Pleistocene corresponds in Switzerland to the last interglacial–glacial cycle (Gondiswil Interglacial and Birrfeld Glacial).
Younger Dryas
- Name Origin
Named after the cold-climate wildflower Dryas octopetala Linnaeus.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Cold floral stage at the end of the Late Pleistocene (12900-11500 BP = 11000-9500 av. J.C.).
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Allerød (Denmark).
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Warmer climatic oscillation of the late glacial Pleistocene (11800-11000 BP = 11400-10730 av. J.C.), identified on the basis of pollen analysis.
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
Older Dryas
- Name Origin
Named after the cold-climate wildflower Dryas octopetala Linnaeus.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- (12000-11800 BP = 11590-11400 av. J.C.)
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
- série de tourbes découvertes au lac Bølling, dans le Jutland central
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Floral stage (13000-12000 BP = 11720-11590 av. J.C.).
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
Oldest Dryas
- Name Origin
Named after the cold-climate wildflower Dryas octopetala Linnaeus.
- Rang
- Klima-/Palynostratigraphie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Ab ca. 18'000-15'000 BP, je nach Autor.
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Eem in the area of the city of Amersfoort (Netherlands).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Riss-Würm interglacial (Alps), Ipswichian (United Kingdom), Mikulin interglacial (Russia), Valdivia interglacial (Chile), Sangamonian (North America)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Initial palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Late Pleistocene («Tarantian») of NW Europe, roughly corresponding to MIS-5e and to the Riss-Würm Interglacial.
- Age
- Spätes Pleistozän
Middle Pleistocene (774 ka)
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Middle Pleistocene is the middle geochronologic subepoch of the Pleistocene, comprising only the Chibanian age. Its base was set at the boundary between the Matuyama and Brunhes magnetostratigraphic epochs.
In Switzerland the age of the Hochterrasse deposits roughly coincides with the Middle Pleistocene.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
New stage name for the Middle Pleistocene.
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Saale (Deutschland).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Terminal substage of the Middle Pleistocene of NW Europe, between Holsteinian and Eemian, characterised by cold climate (culminating in the Alpine region with the Riss glaciation).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the Holstein region (N Germany).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Hoxnian (United Kingdom), Likhvinian (Russia)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Middle Pleistocene (Ionian) of NW Europe, corresponding to MIS-11 and to the Mindel-Riss Interglacial.
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the river Weisse Elster (E Germany), a tributary of the river Saale.
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- Anglian (United Kingdom), Okian (Russia)
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Substage of the Middle Pleistocene of NW Europe, corresponding to MIS-12 and characterised by a cold climate (culminating in the Alpine region with the Mindel glaciation).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after the East Anglian town of Cromer (UK).
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Initial palynostratigraphic subdivision of the Middle Pleistocene («Ionian») of NW Europe, encompassing several glacial/interglacial cycles under a relatively mild climate (Günz-Mindel Interglacial).
- Age
- Mittleres Pleistozän
Early Pleistocene (2.58 Ma)
- Rang
- Chronostratigraphie / Geochronologie
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Early Pleistocene is the first geochronologic subepoch of the Pleistocene, starting with the Gelasian age (at the transition from the Piacenzian age) and ending with the Calabrian age (at the transition to the Chibanian age). It is characterised by a predominantly reversed polarised paleomagnetic field (Matuyama) and the onset of large glacial fluctuations.
- Age
- Gélasien
Calabrian (1.80 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the Calabria region (Italy).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Second substage of the Early Pleistocene.
- Age
- Frühes Pleistozän
- Name Origin
Named after Sicilia (Italia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Regional substage (= late Calabrian, Early Pleistocene) in Italy.
- Age
- Calabrien
- Name Origin
Named after the Emilia region (Italia).
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Regional substage (= middle Calabrian, Early Pleistocene) in Italy.
- Age
- Calabrien
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Sub-Stufe
- Status
- gültig
- Kurzbeschreibung
- Regional substage (= early Calabrian, Early Pleistocene) in Italy.
- Age
- Calabrien
Gelasian (2.58 Ma)
- Name Origin
Named after the town of Gela (Italia), Sicilia.
- Rang
- chronostratigraphische Stufe / geochronologisches Alter
- Status
- gültiger formeller Begriff
- Age
- Frühes Pleistozän