- Herkunft des Namens
- Rang
- Tektonik
- Status
- informeller Begriff
- Kurzbeschreibung
The Gälmji Zone is a Middle Penninic tectonic unit of the Western Alps, lying between the Sion-Courmayeur Nappe and the Berisal Nappe in the large synformal Berisal Backfold, to the northeast of the Simplonpass. It forms a thin band of green gneisses and micaschists comparable to those of the Visperterminen and Lower Stalden slices (Zone Houillère). Thick amphibolite layers are interbedded in these metasediments, and scarce remains of Triassic sediments represent the rest of the sedimentary cover. This unit is interpreted to be a metamorphic equivalent of the Zone Houillère east of the Rhône-Simplon Fault.
- Herkunft des Namens
- Rang
- lithostratigraphische Einheit
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Kurzbeschreibung
Metagabbro (Metakumulat) der Scherbadung-Klippe, der zwischen Zone Houillère und Berisal-Decke vorkommt.
- Herkunft des Namens
- Rang
- lithostratigraphische Einheit
- Status
- lokaler Begriff (informell)
- Alter
- Karbon - Perm