Retour à AustroalpinReprésentation et statut
- Couleur RGB
- R: 195 G: 140 B: 170
- Rang
- Membre lithostratigraphique (Sous-formation)
- Usage
- Ce terme n'est pas en usage.
- Status
- terme local (informel)
- Deutsch
- Saubach-Member
- English
- Saubach Member
- Variantes historiques
Adneter Mergel (Tollmann (1976a), Saubach-Schichten (Plöchinger 1975).Saubach-Member (Böhm et al. 1995)
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unité hiérarchiquement supérieure
- Unités sus-jacentes
- Unités sous-jacentes
- Âge au sommet
- Toarcien
- Âge à la base
- Toarcien
Paléogéographie et tectonique
- Lias de l'Austroalpin
- Termes génériques
- Type de protolithe
- sédimentaire
- Métamorphisme
- non métamorphique
- Définition
- 1975) : Das Juraprofil an der Zwölferhorn-Westflanke (Nördliche Osterhorngruppe, Salzburg). Verh. Geol. B.-A. 1975, 27-33 (
- Révision
1995) :
Breccias of the Adnet Formation: indicators of a Mid-Liassic tectonic event in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Salzburg/Austria). Geol. Rundschau 84, 272-286
p.273: The rocks of the Saubach Member show a very typical brick red colour. Compared with the Schmiedwirt Member they may be much more marly but have no distinct nodular fabric. Characteristically they are made up of thick layers of marly limestones with intercalated rigid limestone beds. The latter are bioclastic wackestones, filament pack/wackestones and crinoidal pack/wackestones. The major biogenic components are crinoidal debris, filaments (shells of juvenile bivalves), small planktonic gastropods, juvenile ammonites and shell debris of adult ammonites. Lithoclasts are common. The Saubach Member is of Toarcian age. It is well exposed in the Saubachgraben section (Plöchinger 1975), Tauglbach area and Grobriedel section (Böhm 1992). Tollmann (1976a) used the term 'Adneter Mergel' for Toarcian grey marls and the 'Saubach-Schichten' of Plöchinger (1975).