Banc du Col de la Plaine Morte
Retour à Oberer Teil des Grünten-MembersReprésentation et statut
- Couleur CMYK
- (0%,37%,37%,4%)
- Couleur RGB
- R: 245 G: 155 B: 155
- Rang
- Banc lithostratigraphique
- Usage
- Ce terme est en usage.
- Status
- terme local (informel)
- Scs Note
Nicht zu verwenden: unnötig da sehr lokal ; Ortsname schon für eine andere lithostratigraphische Einheit verwendet (Wildflysch de la Plaine Morte).
- Scs Date
- 18.10.2007
- Discussion du statut
- Deutsch
- Col-de-la-Plaine-Morte-Bank
- Français
- Banc du Col de la Plaine Morte
- Italiano
- Strato del Col de la Plaine Morte
- English
- Col de la Plaine Morte Bed
- Origine du nom
- Variantes historiques
Plaine Morte Bed (Föllmi et al. 2006 et 2007, Föllmi & Gainon 2008, Föllmi 2009)
- Épaisseur
- max. 20 cm
- ammonites
Deshayesites, Aconeceras
Hiérarchie et succession
- Unité hiérarchiquement supérieure
- Âge au sommet
- Aptien précoce
- Note sur le sommet
Untere Abschnitt der furcata-Zone
- Âge à la base
- Aptien précoce
- Note sur la base
Obere Abschnitt der deshayesi-Zone
- Extension géographique
- Nur lokal im Rawilgebiet.
- Région-type
- Rawilgebiet (VS/BE)
- Localité-type
Col de la Plaine Morte - Rohrbachstein (VS/BE)
Particularités du site- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- (2601250 / 1136320)
- <p>Typlokalität der Rohrbachstein-Bank und der Col-de-la-Plaine-Morte-Bank (Föllmi et al. 2007)</p>
Col de la Plaine Morte - Rohrbachstein (VS/BE)
- Typusprofil
Col de la Plaine Morte - Rohrbachstein (VS/BE)
Particularités du site- Obergrenze
- Untergrenze
- typische Fazies
- (2601250 / 1136320)
- <p>Typlokalität der Rohrbachstein-Bank und der Col-de-la-Plaine-Morte-Bank (Föllmi et al. 2007)</p>
Col de la Plaine Morte - Rohrbachstein (VS/BE)
- Définition
2007) :
Unlocking paleo- environmental information from Early Cretaceous shelf sediments in the Helvetic Alps: stratigraphy is the key! Swiss J. Geosci. 100, 349-369
p.12: In the Rawil area, the lower part of the Grünten Member is covered by a thin, nodular glauconite- and phosphate-containing layer, in which sparse phosphate particles occur. The limestone nodules are peripherically phosphatized. For this bed we propose the name Plaine Morte Bed (Fig. 2, Fig. 8; Gainon 2001), with as type locality the same outcrop as described above for the Rohrbachstein Bed. The Plaine Morte Bed signals again an episode of platform drowning.
- Révision
2009) :
Neubenennungen lithostratigraphischer Einheiten in der helvetischen Kreide - Comment on the article by the Schweizerisches Komitee für Stratigraphie (SJG, Vol 102/2): What is in a stratigraphical name? Swiss J. Geosci. 102 (2009) 515–518
The Plaine-Morte Bed
In the area of the Col de la Plaine Morte, the Plaine-Morte Bed embodies an approximately 20-cm thick nodular phosphatic layer within the Grünten Member, which is well distinguishable in the field. The Plaine-Morte Bed includes large clasts composed of crinoidal limestone of the lower Grünten Beds, which are peripherically phosphatized and small phosphatic nodules and particles. Sparse ammonites indicate the deshayesi and furcata ammonite zones (Föllmi & Gainon 2008). In this region, the Plaine-Morte Bed merges laterally with the higher Luitere
Bed, and the intervening upper Grünten Beds disappear.
The importance of this bed is that it helps us to explain the older ages shown in distal occurrences of the Luitere Bed in Allgäu and Vorarlberg, where ammonites are present from the deshayesi and furcata ammonite zones (besides younger ammonites indicating the early Late Aptian). These older ages can be explained by the Luitere Bed being merged with the Plaine-Morte Bed, in analogy of what is observed in the area of the Col de la Plaine Morte. This merging pattern is well comparable to the merging of different phosphorite beds into one singe bed
higher up in the Garschella Formation.
To this comes that with the Plaine-Morte Bed, the imprint of oceanic anoxic event 1a (the so-called “Selli event”) has been discovered on the northern Tethyan margin. (...)
- Principales publications
2008) : Demise of the northern Tethyan Urgonian carbonate platform and subsequent transition towards pelagic conditions: the sedimentary record of the Col de la Plaine Morte area, central Switzerland Sedimentary Geology 205, 142–159(2007) : Unlocking paleo- environmental information from Early Cretaceous shelf sediments in the Helvetic Alps: stratigraphy is the key! Swiss J. Geosci. 100, 349-369(