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- Formazione litostratigrafica
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine informale
- Deutsch
- Lavtina-Sandstein
- Français
- Grès de Lavtina
- Italiano
- Arenaria di Lavtina
- English
- Lavtina Sandstone
- Origine del nome
- Varianti storiche
[non: Intermediärer Flysch =] Lavtinaflysch (Leupold 1942, Bisig 1957), Lavtina Sandstone (Menkveld et al. 2016), Lavtina-Flysch (Hantke et al. 2019)
- Descrizione
"Wechsellagerung schwarzer, schwach siltiger, glimmerführender Schiefer und geringmächtiger Glimmerkalksandsteinbänke im Hangenden der Globigerinenschiefer des Blattengrat-Komplexes." (Frey 1965 S.86)
Gerarchia e successione
- Limite superiore
Tektonisches Kontakt.
- Limite inferiore
Stad-Fm. bzw. Muot-da-Rubi-Fm.
- Geomorfologia
- tardo Eocene
- Età alla base
- Eocene medio
- Metodo di datazione
- Estensione geografica
- Ostschweiz (Weisstannental).
- Località-tipo
Tristelruns (SG), Unterlavtina
Caratteristiche del sito- typische Fazies
- (2746200 / 1204600)
- Leupold 1942/3/5, Herb 1962
Tristelruns (SG), Unterlavtina
Paleogeografia e tettonica
- Flysch sud-elvetico
- Paleogeografia
- Distal NHS (S-Helv.)
- Termini generici
- Definizione
- 1942) : Das Alter des «Wildflyschs». Verh. Schweiz. natf. 122, 104- (
- Revisione
2016) :
Lithostratigraphic units of the Helvetic Palaeogene: review, new definition, new classification. Swiss J. Geosc. 109/2, 171-199
p.192: Leupold (1942) first described the Lavtina Sandstone (Formation; ‘‘Intermediärer Flysch’’, ‘‘Lavtinaflysch’’) from the type locality at Tristelrus/Unterlavtina (2746.200/1204.600). For further descriptions see Oberholzer (1933; as part of the ‘‘Wildflysch’’). Like the Blattengrat Sandstone, the Lavtina Sandstone is part of the so called ‘‘wrapped’’ flysch (‘‘eingewickelter Flysch’’, Arn. Heim 1911) representing the youngest and uppermost sediment succession in the Weisstannen valley (Blattengrat nappe). The Lavtina Sandstone is presumably an equivalent of the Blattengrat Sandstone and frequently forms individual tectonic slices.
Lithology: The Lavtina Sandstone comprises up to 0.5 m thick beds of grey (weathered yellow–brown) siliceous limestone and calcareous sandstone with black (weathered light-grey) slaty claystone layers in-between. ‘‘Fukoidenkalk’’ and ‘‘Fukoidenmergel’’ is frequently interbedded. The Lavtina Sandstone, like the Blattengrat Sandstone, passes gradually out of the Stad Formation (or Muot-da-Rubi Formation). Its thickness varies between ‘‘great thickness’’ and ‘‘in traces available’’ (cf. Leupold 1942). Overlying strata: tectonic boundary; underlying strata: Stad Formation (‘‘Fleckenmergel’’), Muot-da-Rubi Formation. Biostratigraphy: Middle Eocene–?Priabonian, foraminfera. Current geographical extent: Eastern Switzerland: Weisstannen valley. Tectonic units: Eastern Switzerland: Blattengrat nappe.