Graphitische Einheit (der Camosci-Decke)

Torna a Falda dei Camosci

Rappresentazione e statuto

Colore CMYK
Formazione litostratigrafica
Unità in uso.


Graphitische Einheit (der Camosci-Decke)
Unité graphitique (de la nappe des Camosci)
Unità grafitica (della falda dei Camosci)
Graphitic unit (of the Camosci nappe)
Varianti storiche
black phyllitic schists + calcschists complex (Bianchi et al. 1998), Graphitic unit = Toarcian-Aalenian (Carrupt 2003)


Environ 75 m (Carrupt 2003 Fig.2.4)

Gerarchia e successione


  • Aaleniano
Età alla base
  • Toarciano
Metodo di datazione
Ennoyement de la plateforme / black shales au Toarcien-Aalénien (Carrupt 2003).


Carrupt Elisabeth (2003) : New stratigraphic, structural and geochemical data from the Val Formazza - Binntal area (Central Alps). Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne) 41, 103 p.

p.17: Graphitic unit: is characterized by important lateral variations of facies (Fig.10.2). The clearest succession is found in the western part of the nappe. A black graphitic micaschists (metashale, see microscopic description in paragraph III.4) containing porphyroblasts of garnets, immediately follows the Calcareous unit; the contact is clear-cut. It may contain rare thin levels of a calcareous graphitic micaschist (metamarls). Bianchi et al. (1998) found various heavily recristallized bioclasts in the black micaschist. The eastern part is more complex. A calcareous graphitic micaschist (metamarls, see microscopic description in paragraph III.4) containing porphyroblasts of plagioclase or epidote overlies the Calcareous unit. The contact is gradual: thin levels (3 cm) of calcareous micaschist alternate with the calcitic marble; the latter becomes thinner upsection, whereas the calcareous micaschist thickens. Some graded bedding can be observed, indicating the local polarity (Fig.2.4). Up sequence, thin levels of black micaschist are interbedded within the calcareous micaschist. The lateral transition between the western and the eastern part of the Graphitic unit is made over less than 2 m. A very hard and dark 50 cm-thick rock composed of graphite (50%), carbonate (29%), muscovite (12%), opaque (8%) and some accessory minerals, represents the transitional stage between the calcareous micaschist and the black micaschist.
  • Detritische Einheit (der Camosci-Decke)

    Name Origin


    Formazione litostratigrafica
    termine scorretto (informale)
    In breve

    Métagrès quartzitique et argileux (aspect de paragneiss gris), s'enrichissant vers le haut en grains dolomitiques, avant de passer brusquement à un métagèrs dolomitique très pauvre en quartz et en argile.

    Giurassico Medio
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