Torna a Massiccio delle Aig. RougesRappresentazione e statuto
- Index
- Colore CMYK
- (0%,0%,0%,100%)
- Colore RGB
- R: 80 G: 170 B: 120
- Rango
- unità litostratigrafia
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine scorretto (informale)
- Deutsch
- «Grüngesteinskomplex»
- Français
- «Greenstone Unit»
- Italiano
- «Greenstone Unit»
- English
- «Greenstone Unit»
- Varianti storiche
Grüngesteinskomplex (Dobmeier 1993), greenstone unit (Dobmeier 1996), Greenstone Unit (Dobmeier et al. 1999, Bussy et al. 2001, von Raumer & Bussy 2004)
- Geomorfologia
- Primo Paleozoico
- Età alla base
- Primo Paleozoico
- Estensione geografica
- Terminaison méridionale du massif des Aiguilles Rouges.
- Revisione
1999) :
The newly defined "Greenstone Unit" of the Aiguilles-Rouges massif (western Alps) - remnant of an early Paleozoic oceanic island-arc? Schweiz. Min. Petr. Mitt. 79/2, 263-276
Another metavolcanic sequence defined as the “Greenstone Unit” (Dobmeier et al., 1999) in the southwestern part of the Aiguilles Rouges Massif consists of an association of basalt to andesite and basalt to rhyolite lava flows of continental tholeiitic and calcalkaline affinity, respectively. These rocks have been interpreted as additional remnants of the above-mentioned Ordovician active continental margin.