Iberig-Schotter (s.s.)
Torna a Wolfacher-SchotterRappresentazione e statuto
- Colore CMYK
- (0%,7%,12%,16%)
- Colore RGB
- R: 215 G: 200 B: 190
- Rango
- Formazione litostratigrafica
- Uso
- Unità in uso.
- Status
- termine informale
- Deutsch
- Iberig-Schotter (s.s.)
- Français
- Gravier de l'Iberig (s.s.)
- English
- Iberig Gravel (s.s.)
- Origine del nome
Hügel Iberig = Ibrig, bei Würenlingen (AG)
- Varianti storiche
- Mittlerer Schotter (Graf 1993, Bitterli-Dreher et al. 2007), Mittlere Iberigschotter, Iberig-Schotter (Preuss et al. 2011)
Gerarchia e successione
- Unità sovrastante
- Geomorfologia
- Primo Pleistocene
- Età alla base
- Primo Pleistocene
- Estensione geografica
- Hügel Iberig (AG).
Paleogeografia e tettonica
- Tiefere Deckenschotter
- Termini generici
- Tipo di origine
- sedimentaria
- Revisione
2011) :
Quaternary glaciation history of northern Switzerland. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 60/2-3, 282-305
p.286: The middle gravel unit (‘Iberig-Schotter’) reveals no petrographic relation to the glacigenic deposits, but the two upper units are again genetically related (‘Bärengraben-Schotter’, ‘Bärengraben-Till’). Interestingly, the uppermost part of ‘Iberig-Schotter’ includes overbank deposits and palaeosols. This indicates, firstly, that glacial deposition was separated by sedimentation during warmer periods, and, secondly, that the fluvial drainage level remained similar during the glacial and non-glacial times of this period.