Écaille du Salève
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- Color CMYK
- n/a
- Color RGB
- R: 241 G: 239 B: 237
- Rank
- tectonic slice
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- local name (informal)
- Deutsch
- Salève-Schuppe
- Français
- Écaille du Salève
- Italiano
- Scaglia del Salève
- English
- Salève Slice
- Origin of the Name
- Historical Variants
structure chevauchante du mont Salève = chaînon du Salève (Charollais et al. 1988), chaînon du Salève (Charollais et al. 1998), Salève Mesozoic (Gouffon et al. 2024)
- Age at top
- Early Cretaceous
- Age at base
- Late Jurassic
- Definition
2024) :
Tectonic Map of Switzerland 1:500000, Explanatory notes. Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern
p.28: At the southwestern termination of the Foreland Plateau, between Genève and Annecy, the Molasse Basin is divided by the NNE–SSW oriented huge ridge of the Mont Salève. This mountain ridge is made up of a Mesozoic series similar to that of the nearby Internal Folded Jura and is overlain by a series of Molasse sediments. This sequence is separated from the more external Molasse by a thrust fault (Signer & Gorin 1995), which is similar to those intersecting the Jura fold-and-thrust belt. In contrast, it is assumed that the thrusts of the Subalpine Molasse slices are still rooted in the Cenozoic series. Therefore, the Salève Mesozoic is regarded as the most internal part of the Internal Folded Jura (Charollais et al. 2023).