- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- nappe
- Status
- valid
- In short
The Portjengrat Nappe, exposed east of Saas Fee, is a Middle Penninic tectonic unit that underwent a Alpine high-pressure metamorphism and occupies a special position as a buffer zone between the Siviez-Mischabel and Monte Rosa nappes on the one side and between the Zermatt - Saas Fee and Antrona nappes on the other side. It consists mainly of a crystalline basement resembling that of the Siviez-Mischabel and Monte Rosa nappes, overlain by a very thin Mesozoic sedimentary cover. Both basement and cover are crosscut by mafic veins, such as in the adjacent “Furgg Zone”.
- Origin of the Name
Grundberg (VS), SE Saas-Grund
- Rank
- tectonically bounded lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- Age
- Triassic - Late Cretaceous
- In short
Autochtone Mesozoische sedimentäre Bedeckung der Portjengrat-Decke.
Wildflysch der Grundberg-Serie
- Name Origin
Wildflysch = Mélange (Bl. Saas)
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- Age
- Palaeogene
Kalkglimmerschiefer der Grundberg-Serie
Knotiger Kalkglimmerschiefer und reiner Kalzitmarmor der Grundberg-Serie
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Knotige Kalkglimmerschiefer und reiner Kalzitmarmor (Jura) der Grundberg-Serie.
- Age
- Jurassic
Dolomitmarmor und Rauwacke der Grundberg-Serie
«Basale Arkose» der Grundberg-Serie
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Arkose an der Basis der Grundberg-Serie.
- Age
- Triassic
- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
"Orthogneiss dérivant de granites (parfois granites basiques) et d'aplites; à muscovite (ou mica vert clair) et parfois biotite; avec zoïsite (ou pistazite)." (Huang 1935)
- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
Grobflasiger Augengneis der Monte-Rose-Decke.
- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
Gneiss d'imbibition et d'injection à muscovite, biotite, chlorite, grenats, et parfois tourmaline. Avec masses subordonnées de paragneiss et d'orthogneiss." (Huang 1935)
- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
"Paragneiss à muscovite (ou muscovite et biotite), chlorite, grenats etc., souvent associés à des gneiss d'imbibition feldspathique (avec ou sans tourmaline) auxquels ils passent sans limite tranchée." (Huang 1935)
Amphibolite der Portjengrat-Decke
- Rank
- petrography
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Eklogitische Amphibolitbänder und seltene Eklogitschollen im Kristallin der Portjengrat-Decke.