Falda del Monte Rosa
- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- nappe
- Status
- valid
- In short
The Monte Rosa Nappe is a Middle Penninic tectonic unit of the Western Alps mainly comprising a polycyclic crystalline basement (paragneisses and orthogneisses of Carboniferous and Permian intrusion age). This basement is subdivided in two parts by the thick Stellihorn Shear Zone. A sedimentary series, known as the “Furgg Zone” (Permian to Jurassic metasediments, crosscut by mafic sills and dykes), surrounds the crystalline basement in a discontinuous manner, and separates in particular the Monte Rosa gneisses from those of the Portjengrat Nappe. All the rocks of the Monte Rosa Nappe have undergone a high pressure metamorphism (eclogite facies).
- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- tectonically bounded lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- Age
- Permian - Mesozoic
- In short
Stark beanspruchte sedimentäre Bedeckung der Monte-Rosa-Decke (Metaarkose, Quarzit und Marmor), eingefaltet in der Antrona-Decke.
Metabasische Boudins und Gängen der Furgg-Zone
- Rank
- petrography
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Querschlagende basische Gänge und Boudins der Furgg-Serie.
Formazione della Preja
- Name Origin
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Formation
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Mesozoische Abfolge der Furgg-Zone: Quarzit, Rauwacke, graphitischer Marmor, Sandstein, sandiger Mergel und kalkiger Marmor.
- Age
- Triassic
«Weisse Marmore» der Preja-Formation
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Reiner weisser Kalzit-Marmor (Malm) der Preja-Formation.
- Age
- Late Jurassic
«Braune Sandkalke» der Preja-Formation
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Braune Sandkalke (Dogger) der Preja-Formation,
- Age
- Middle Jurassic
«Lias-Sandkalke» der Preja-Formation
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Dunkle graphitführende Sandkalke und Glimmerquarzite (Lias) der Preja-Formation.
- Age
- Early Jurassic
Dolomitmarmor der Preja-Formation
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Kieselige Kalzit-Dolomitmarmore der Preja-Formation, mit Tremolit-Quarz-Kalzit- oder Tremolit-Kalzit-Dolomit-Marmorlagen.
- Age
- Triassic
Quarzit der Preja-Formation
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Dünner Quarzithorizont an der Basis der Preja-Formation (am Kontakt mit den permischen Grauwacken der Cavalli-Formation)..
- Age
- Triassic
Formazione dei Cavalli
- Name Origin
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Formation
- Status
- informal term
- In short
Spätpaläozoische Metagrauwacke, Metaarkose, Glimmer-haltiger Quarzit und Glimmerschiefer der Furgg-Zone, mit zahlreiche Amphibolit-Boudins.
- Age
- Permian
Granito di Mezzalama
- Origin of the Name
Rifugio Mezzalama (Italia), Val de Véraz (dedicato al alpinista italiano Ottorino Mezzalama, 1886-1930)
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- Age
- Cisuralian (= Early Permian) - Guadalupian (= Middle Permian)
- In short
Porphyrischer Granit der Monte-Rosa-Decke.
Ortogneiss del Monte Rosa
- Origin of the Name
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- informal term
- Age
- Carboniferous
- In short
Granodioritischer, grobflaseriger Gneis der Monte-Rosa-Decke.