• Zona di Mergoscia

    Origin of the Name

    Valle di Mergoscia (TI)

    tectonic zone
    informal term
    Paleozoic - Mesozoic
    In short

    The Mergoscia Zone is a heterogeneous tectonic unit of the Western Lepontic (Toce Culimnation). It is composed of ortho- and paragneisses, metapelites, calcschists, metabasites and meta-ultrabasites. Both metabasites and meta-ultrabasites contain rare relics of high-pressure metamorphism (retrogressed eclogites and garnet-metaperidotites). This zone, displaying a high degree of deformation, is also interpreted as a mélange rather than as an originally stratified framework.

  • Scisti del Gaggio

    Origin of the Name

    Il Gaggio (TI)

    lithostratigraphic Formation
    informal term
    In short

    Micascisti eterogenei, a due miche con quarzo e plagioclasio, spesso a patina bruno-rossiccia.

  • Gneiss di Mergoscia

    Origin of the Name

    Valle di Mergoscia (TI)

    lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
    Superordinate unit
    informal term
    In short

    Gneiss a biotite, feldspato alcalino ed oligoclasio, eterogeno a tessitura nodosa-venosa, a carattere migmatitico.

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