«Unterer Betliskalk»
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- Color CMYK
- (0%,0%,0%,100%)
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Validity
- Unit is not in Use
- Status
- incorrect name (though informally used)
- Deutsch
- «Unterer Betliskalk»
- Français
- «Unterer Betliskalk»
- Italiano
- «Unterer Betliskalk»
- English
- «Lower Betlis Limestone»
- Historical Variants
Unterer Teil des Valangienkalkes = brauner Echinodermenkalk (Arn. Heim 1916), Lower Betliskalk = lower Betlis member (Föllmi et al. 2006), lower Betlis Limestone (Föllmi et al. 2007)
- Thickness
- 25-30 m (Heim 1916) ; max. 100 m (Föllmi et al. 2007).
Hierarchy and sequence
- Superordinate unit
- Subordinate units
- Units at roof
- Lower boundary
Föllmi et al. 2007: The switch-over from the deposition of the upper Oehrli Limestone to that of the overlying Betlis Formation near the Berriasian-Valanginian boundary represents a major turning point in the evolution of the Helvetic carbonate platform. The Berriasian photozoan mode of carbonate production is replaced by a heterozoan mode, which is repeatedly interrupted by episodes of incipient drowning (Fig. 2; Föllmi et al. 1994, 2006) and which lasted until the early Late Barremian.
The limit between these two carbonate units itself embodies a sequence boundary which on the platform is marked by karstified and iron-stained emersion horizons and perforated hardgrounds (Burger 1985, 1986; Mohr 1992a).
- Age at top
- Early Valanginian
- Note about top
Unterhalb der Büls-Bank (pertransiens-Zone; Föllmi et al. 2007)
- Age at base
- Early Valanginian
- Note about base
- Dating Method
Ammoniten in der hangende Büls-Bank (Kuhn 1996, Föllmi et al. 2007).
- Geographical extent
- Mürtschenstock, Säntis, Mattstock.
Palaenography and tectonic
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Definition
2007) :
Unlocking paleo- environmental information from Early Cretaceous shelf sediments in the Helvetic Alps: stratigraphy is the key! Swiss J. Geosci. 100, 349-369
p.353: On top of the thin unit of sandy marl [= Vitznau Formation] or directly on top of the upper Oehrli Member, a succession of platform carbonates is preserved (lower Betlis Limestone; Fig. 2; Strasser 1979, 1982; Burger & Strasser 1981; Kuhn 1996), which consists of maximally 100 m of a sandy grain- and packstone rich in echinoderms, bryozoans, bivalves, brachiopods, benthic foraminifera, and calcareous algae (Strasser 1979, 1982).
- Name Origin
Spitzern = Spitzeren (SZ), SE Rigi-Hochfluh
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Status
- valid formal name
- In short
Wechsellagerung von gelblich anwitternden Kalken und Mergeln, wobei im unteren Teil des Members eher Kalkbänke («Spitzernkalk») und im oberen Teil eher die Mergellagen («Spitzernmergel») dominieren.
- Age
- Early Valanginian
- Name Origin
Spitzern = Spitzeren (SZ), SE Rigi-Hochfluh
- Rank
- petrographic facies
- Status
- incorrect term (disused)
- Valid term
- Spitzern-Member
- In short
Mergelige Fazies des Spitzern-Members (im oberen Teil dominant): bräunlich anwitternde Mergel mit lagenartig eingeschaltete Kalkknollen.
- Age
- Early Valanginian
- Name Origin
Spitzern = Spitzeren (SZ), SE Rigi-Hochfluh
- Rank
- petrographic facies
- Status
- incorrect term (disused)
- Valid term
- Spitzern-Member
- In short
Kalkige Fazies des Spitzern-Members (im unteren Teil dominant): bräunlich anwitternde, etwas sandige, onkoidische Kalkbänke mit feinen Mergelzwischenlagen. Biopelmikrite mit viel feinem Quarzsand.
- Age
- Early Valanginian