Brönich-Gneis («Schwarze Gneisgruppe»)
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- Status
- local name (informal)
- Deutsch
- Brönich-Gneis («Schwarze Gneisgruppe»)
- Français
- Gneiss de Brönich
- Italiano
- Gneiss di Brönich
- English
- Brönich Gneiss
- Origin of the Name
Felsen oberhalb Brönich (TI), östlich Frodalera
- Historical Variants
Brönich Group (Chadwick 1968), Dunkle Serizitphyllite mit Granat und Staurolith = Schwarze Serie (Huber 1985), Graphitische, quarzreiche Schiefer (Bl. Olivone)
- Description
Dunkle Staurolith-(Granat-)phyllite
- Age at top
- Carboniferous
- Age at base
- Carboniferous
- Dating Method
Karbon (Bossard 1936, Huber 1985)
- Definition
1968) :
Deformation and metamorphism in the Lukmanier region, Central Switzerland Geol. Soc. America Bull. 79, 1123-1150
This group, which is exposed South of the summer pasture of this name, consists mainly of black graphitic paraschists with abundant garnet and a conglomeratic gneiss containing small nests of blue kyanite. Because of the presence of graphite, Bossard (1936) suggested that these rocks may be of Carboniferous age.