Back to Doldenhorn NappeRepresentation and status
- Color CMYK
- siehe Hochstollen-Fm.
- Color RGB
- R: 215 G: 180 B: 140
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- valid formal name
- Deutsch
- Bietenhorn-Member
- Français
- Membre du Bietenhorn
- Italiano
- Membro del Bietenhorn
- English
- Bietenhorn Member
- Origin of the Name
Bietenhorn (BE), im Schilthorngebiet
- Historical Variants
- Sandiger Kalk- und Tonschiefer (Tröhler 1966), Bietenhorn-Schichten (Pilloud 1990, Hänni 2000)
- Description
- Siltig-sandige Mergel und Tonschiefer mit einzelnen grobkörnigen Lagen an der Basis der Hochstollen-Formation.
- Thickness
- 10 - 100 m
Hierarchy and sequence
- Superordinate unit
- Units at roof
- Units at floor
- Age at top
- early Bajocian
- Age at base
- early Bajocian
- Dating Method
- nur indirekt
- Geographical extent
- Berner Oberland
- Type area
- Berner Oberland
- Type profile
Entlang Krete Bietenhorn-Wysshorn (BE), NW Mürren
Coordinates- (2632650 / 1159000)
Entlang Krete Bietenhorn-Wysshorn (BE), NW Mürren
Palaenography and tectonic
- Jurassic
- Dogger
- Paleogeography
North Tethyan Shelf
marge continentale européenne - Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
Zentrales Helvetikum
u.a. Berner Oberland
Zentrales Helvetikum
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary