Oberer Teil des Münsingen-Schotterkomplexes

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Representation and status

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R: 220 G: 230 B: 155
lithostratigraphic unit
Unit is in Use
incorrect name (though informally used)


Oberer Teil des Münsingen-Schotterkomplexes
Partie supérieure du Complexe graveleux de Münsingen
Upper part of the Münsingen Gravel Complex
Origin of the Name

Münsingen (BE)

Historical Variants
Obere Münsingen-Schotter (Schlüchter 1975 und 1976)

Hierarchy and sequence

Units at roof
Upper boundary
Lithologische Kontinuität zur Rotachewald-Grundmoräne.
Lower boundary
Markierte Diskordanz über die Untere Münsingen-Schotter oder erosiv über die Thungschneit-Seetone bzw. deer Bümberg-Schotter.


Age at top
  • Late Pleistocene
Age at base
  • Middle Pleistocene
Dating Method
19'500-18'000(?) B.P. (Schlüchter 1975)


Geographical extent
Ganzen mittleren Aaretal.
Type area
Aaretal (BE)

Palaenography and tectonic

  • Niederterrasse
Kind of protolith
  • sedimentary
Conditions of formation
Fluvioglaziale Vorstossschotter.
non metamorphic


Preusser Frank, Graf Hans Rudolf, Keller Oskar, Krayss Edgar, Schlüchter Christian (2011) : Quaternary glaciation history of northern Switzerland. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 60/2-3, 282-305

The youngest gravel unit is topped by basal till (‘Rotachewald-Grundmoräne), correlated with the Last Glaciation of the area (Schlüchter 1989a, b). The weathered gravel above the basin deposits are, based on the petrography, interpreted to result from a glacier advance beyond the margin of the Alps. The age of this advance has to be younger than Eemian but must be significantly older than the last advance, as it shows intense weathering. Luminescence dating of sandy sediments on top of the interglacial deposits implies that the weathered gravel unit was probably deposited during an early phase of the last glacial cycle (Preusser & Schlüchter 2004).
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