Conglomérat basal de l'USM
Back to Conglomérat de PorrentruyRepresentation and status
- Index
- Op
- Color CMYK
- (0%,0%,0%,100%)
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- informal term
- Deutsch
- Basales Konglomerat der USM
- Français
- Conglomérat basal de l'USM
- English
- Basal Conglomerate of the USM
- Historical Variants
Hierarchy and sequence
- Subordinate units
Palaenography and tectonic
- Tectonic unit (resp. main category)
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Metamorphism
- non metamorphic
Conglomérat de Porrentruy
- Name Origin
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Status
- local name (informal)
- Nomenclatorial Remarks
- <p>Gompholithe d'Ajoie (Waibel & Burri 1961)</p>
- In short
Conglomérat d'eau douce à éléments calcaires (Malm, essentiellement Fm. de Reuchenette), bolus et pisolithes de fer remaniés.
- Age
- Rupelian