«Oberer Quintner Kalk»
Back to «Mergelband» (Quinten-Fm.)Representation and status
- Index
- i8-c1
- Color CMYK
- N/A
- Color RGB
- R: 125 G: 125 B: 125
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Validity
- Unit is not in Use
- Status
- incorrect term (disused)
- Status discussion
- Deutsch
- «Oberer Quintner Kalk»
- Français
- «Calcaire de Quinten supérieur»
- Italiano
- «Calcare di Quinten superiore»
- English
- «Upper Quinten Limestone»
- Origin of the Name
Quinten (SG), am Walensee
- Historical Variants
Oberer Quintnerkalk (Schindler 1959), Obere massige Serie des Malms (Spörli 1966), oberer Quintnerkalk (Pfiffner 1972)
- Description
Dunkelgrauer, feinkörniger bis dichter Kalk.
Hierarchy and sequence
- Subordinate units
- Units at roof
- Units at floor
- Age at top
- Earliest Berriasian
- Age at base
- Tithonian
Palaenography and tectonic
- Kind of protolith
- sedimentary
- Name Origin
Au (Österreich), am südöstlichen Fuss der Mittagsfluh
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Bed
- Status
- local name (informal)
- In short
Fossilreicher Kalk im Dach der Quinten-Formation des Bregenzer Waldes.
- Age
- Earliest Berriasian
- Rank
- petrographic facies
- Status
- incorrect name (though informally used)
- In short
Brekziöse Fazies des helvetischen Malms, meistens im mittleren bis oberen Teil des Oberen Quintner Kalk entwickelt.
- Age
- Tithonian