«Conglomérat basal» (de la Fm. du Meilleret)
Back to Formation du MeilleretRepresentation and status
- Index
- fM1
- Color CMYK
- (0%,0%,41%,4%)
- Color RGB
- R: 245 G: 245 B: 145
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic Member (Subformation)
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- incorrect name (though informally used)
- Deutsch
- «Basales Konglomerat» (der Meilleret-Fm.)
- Français
- «Conglomérat basal» (de la Fm. du Meilleret)
- Italiano
- «Conglomerato basale» (della Fm. del Meilleret)
- English
- «Basal Conglomerate» (of the Meilleret Fm.)
- Historical Variants
Basiskonglomerat, conglomérat basal du Bois du Dard (Homewood 1974), Conglomérat basal (Badoux et al. 1990)
- Thickness
- 10-15 m
Hierarchy and sequence
- Superordinate unit
- Units at roof