Kondensationshorizont im Dach des Rubli-Members, bestehend aus rostig anwitterndem hellgrauem phosphoritischem Sandkalk bis kalkigem Sandstein mit Bivalven, Gastropoden, Belemniten und Ammoniten.
The Lower Helvetic tectonic subdomain comprises all the sedimentary and crystalline units below the Glarus (eastern Switzerland), Axen (central Switzerland), Diablerets and Wildhorn major thrusts (western Switzerland). It corresponds to the External Crystalline Massifs and what was formerly called the “Infrahelvetic complex” that includes imbricates with North Helvetic facies as well as sedimentary nappes with South Helvetic to Ultrahelvetic facies.
Deutsch: Vogesen-Massiv Français: Massif des Vosges Italiano: Massiccio dei Vosgi English: Vosges Massif
The Vosges Massif exposes the basement of the Haute-Saône Platform. It consists of pre-Mesozoic rocks, including Variscan magmatites and metasediments, pre-Variscan metamorphic rocks and, on the southwestern side of the Upper Rhine Graben, unconformably overlying Permo-Carboniferous sediments.
Deutsch: Moncucco-Decke Français: Nappe du Moncucco Italiano: Falda del Moncucco English: Moncucco Nappe
The Moncucco Nappe (Western Lepontic) occupies the core of the Vanzone Antiform in the Valle d’Ossola. It consists of a crystalline basement intruded by a Permian granite and is interpreted as the equivalent of the Monte Leone Nappe in the hangingwall of the Simplon Fault. Similar to that nappe, the Moncucco Nappe contains a large ultramafic body at its top.
Deutsch: Belledonne-Massiv Français: Massif de Belledonne Italiano: Massiccio di Belledonne English: Belledonne Massif
The Belledonne Massif is a Lower Helvetic External Massif of the French Alps. It is constituted of a pre-Variscan polycyclic basement (Precambrian to Early Cretaceous) intruded by Variscan granites and of a Mesozoic sedimentary cover. The Belledonne Massif is separated from the Aiguilles Rouges and Mont Blanc massifs by the axial depression of the Val Montjoie.
Belledonne Massif = External Massif (Gouffon et al. 2024)
Deutsch: Rosswald-Schuppe Français: Écaille de Rosswald Italiano: Scaglia di Rosswald English: Rosswald Slice
In the Brig area (upper Valais), the Rosswald Slice forms a large anticline together with the Roignais-Versoyen Slice. The Rosswald Slice is only present east of the Rhône-Simplon Fault and forms the normal, thrusting limb, extending further east at the border of the Lepontic units. It contains only the upper formation of the “Valaisan Flysch” (St-Christophe-Formation).
Deutsch: Diablerets-Decke Français: Nappe des Diablerets Italiano: Falda dei Diablerets English: Diablerets Nappe
The Diablerets Nappe is an Upper Helvetic tectonic nappe in the Western Swiss Alps. Forming the base of the Wildhorn Nappe Complex, it is present only in the southwest and is linked by a tight syncline to the overlying Mont Gond Nappe.