zona di Gresso-Someo

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Representation and status

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tectonic zone
Unit is in Use


zone de Gresso-Someo
zona di Gresso-Someo
Gresso-Someo zone
Origin of the Name

Gresso (TI) e Someo (TI)

Historical Variants

Someo-Mulde (Niggli et al. 1936), Zug von Gresso (Kobe 1954), Someo unit p.p. (Berger et al. 2005), Someo zone (Steck et al. 2013)

Nomenclatorial Remarks

non: Someo gneiss (Köppel et al. 1980) = Paragneis der Maggia-Decke



... an der Grenze zwischen Antigorio- und Maggia-Decke (bzw. Nordgrenze der Mergoscia-Zone nach Zawadynski 1952 und Dal Vesco 1953).

Max. gegen 30 m südlich Gresso (Kobe 1954)

Hierarchy and sequence

Upper boundary


Lower boundary



Age at top
  • Mesozoic
Age at base
  • Mesozoic
Dating Method

ehem. Trias?, eher Mittlerer und Oberer Jura ?


Geographical extent
Lepontin: Someo, Brontallo, Gresso.


Steck Albrecht, Della Torre F., Keller Franz, Pfeifer Hans-Rudolf, Hunziker Johannes, Masson Henri (2013) : Tectonics of the Lepontine Alps : ductile thrusting and folding in the deepest tetonic levels of the Central Alps. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 106/3, 427-450

p.435: The term Someo zone is defined and restricted in this paper in accordance with Preiswerk et al. (1934) to a decimetre to some metres thick band of white calcite marble and associated quartzite, micaschist and amphibolite that marks the limit between the Mergoscia and Maggia units. It is not possible to attribute this zone to one of the two adjacent units. The Someo zone is composed north of Someo of an up to 4 m thick band of white calcite marble. At its border it is associated with centimetre to decimetre thick bands of quartzite, amphibolite and some garnet micaschist. Two bands of up to 60 cm thick white calcite marble are associated with garnet micaschist and decametric bands of amphibolite in the Maggia riverbed southeast of Brontallo (Fig. 2; Keller et al. 1980). Eclogite relicts are missing in the amphibolite layers of Someo and Brontallo. The new definition of the Someo unit by Berger et al. (2005), who associate in the Someo unit the marbles of Preiswerk’s Someo zone with the gneiss, schists, eclogitic amphibolites, ultramafites and marbles of our herein defined Mergoscia unit, is for this reason rejected and replaced by the original definition of Preiswerk et al. (1934). It is speculated that the white marble of the otherwise very different Fusio, Pertusio and Someo sedimentary sequences may belong to a same possibly Upper Jurassic marble horizon of the Sambuco–Maggia nappe.

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