Scisti del Lago Pistono
Back to Canavese zoneRepresentation and status
- Color CMYK
- (0%,0%,0%,100%)
- Color RGB
- R: 140 G: 180 B: 220
- Rank
- lithostratigraphic unit
- Validity
- Unit is in Use
- Status
- local name (informal)
- Deutsch
- Lago-Pistono-Schiefer
- Français
- Schistes du Lago Pistono
- Italiano
- Scisti del Lago Pistono
- English
- Lago Pistono Schist
- Origin of the Name
Lago Pistono (Italia)
- Historical Variants
Lago Pistono schists = Scisti del Lago Pistono (Biino & Compagnoni 1989), Scisti del lago Pistono (Dal Piaz et al. 1992a)
- Synonyms
- Age at top
- Late Jurassic
- Age at base
- Late Jurassic
- Definition
1989) :
The Canavese Zone between the Serra d*Ivrea and the Dora Baltea River (Western Alps). Eclogae geol. Helv. 82/2, 413-417
p.422: Along the western side of Lago Pistono, close to the contact with the Ivrea
granulile, two very small outcrops of schists are exposed. These Lago Pistono Schists consist of cm-thick grey, non fossiliferous limestone with micritic appearance, interbedded with shale, both affected by the Alpine deformation and locally grading into mylonite (see section 6). Lago Pistono schists may be correlated with Bio' schists and the shale and limestone of Levone (Levone Shales of Sturani 1975), considered to be Malm in age, because of the occurrence of interbedded red radiolarian cherts.